For Buyers
Make a Moving Checklist
We've helped you find your house, now it’s time to move in and make it
Your Dream Home.
Make the process as stress-free and organized as possible by starting early and keeping close tabs on the details. If you need help with your Checklist... Let Us Know and we're here for you!
It’s Ok to Dream
When you are out there trying to find a house that is perfect for you and your family, it’s a good idea to prepare a list of all your needs, wants, and don’ts!
Yes, an open mind is helpful when shopping for a house, but you don’t need to compromise on the things you truly care about.
Prioritize your top 5 “must-have” qualities in a home, your top 5 “like to have” qualities, and you top 5 “we absolutely don’t want” qualities, and take the list with you when you go house shopping. You will be able to quickly eliminate homes that don’t fit your needs and wants, and also be able to spot the homes that deserve some greater attention.
Finances... Finances... Finances...
When you are buying a home, you may be thinking “location, location, location” or “granite countertops", but before you can start having fun shopping around, you have to do a little work to get yourself ready financially.
Begin your home-buying process by cleaning up your credit report and credit score and you will be able to start off on a solid financial foundation.
Picture Yourself
Before you buy a home, you may do a lot of daydreaming about what life in your home will be like, relaxing by the pool or enjoying beautiful landscaping...
But to know what it will really be like, you’ll have to picture yourself doing the everyday things.
How is the commuting experience? What sounds will you be falling asleep to at night? Can you picture yourself hosting gatherings in that size dining room?
These are questions you’ll want to answer before you move in.
Buyers, Inquire Here
Call ANYTIME to See ANY house on the market!
1300 Gause Bvd Suite C1 Slidell, LA 70458 USA
Broker & Associate Licensed in Louisiana and in Mississippi(Jeff Puckett)
Licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission and
The Mississippi Real Estate Commission(Jeff & Pam Puckett)